December 1, 2007

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

Well - this one looked a little boring so i skipped a week and figured i'd come back to it!
Again - me and organsiation. I checked out the exercise for the week and as soon as i saw personal organsiation i was hooked.
So when i had a browse i thought i've used google, played with zoho - must be Backpack's turn.
Obvioulsy i went straight to keep a calender. Quite a cute little package. It has a function that you can have multiple calenders on one ie work, home, vacation - so it would be really convenient for me. As i've said previously i have an outlook calender for work and one for home so it could come in handy to be able to join them together. But i think i would still need some convincing - there are many good reasons for having them seperate - and anything important i put on both calenders anyway...hmmmmm will keep pondering.
I liked the idea of set reminders. I am someone that is easily sidetracked so i am a heavy user of Outlooks reminder function - the fact that Backpackit will text message your reminders is pretty cool. I could see myself loving that and everyone else pissed off cause i keep getting text messages. Funny to think people spend years working out ways of remembering things and now you can send yourself a text message in 20 minutes time to remind you to go collect your pizza! sometimes i feel way older than my 30 something years!
So can i see the use of these features in a library setting..... send a text message to a patron to tell them their internet pc is now available. No different really to cafes that have little buzzers they give you to buzz you when your meal is ready for collection. Just a different format.
My favourite would be to text staff members to remind them their 10 min tea break is over...would that be considered harrassment! I don't think i'd be that popular.

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