October 2, 2007

#8 - Make life "really simple"

Well, I'm not sure exactly how simple this will make my life. To be honest I have subscribed to 9 feeds (2 friends blogs) and I have over 50 things that I need to read. I can see my life being taken over reading more stuff on the computer.
I will be honest and say that they are not all work related - but a girl's got to have a bit of fun as well - I think knowing my weekly horoscope will be very entertaining!
So - back to work stuff. I can see that some of the RSS feeds could be beneficial for keeping you up to date with events and issues as they happen. Often I just look through the index of library journals etc to see what articles are relevant or what I may find interesting to read. I can see that by subscribing to library journals you can just read what is relevant and ignore anything else. Just as easy as dealing with emails.... only we don't have to have 6 issues of current periodicals sitting on our desk in an intray! (just an online intray!)
I am pretty sure I'll end up unsubscribing to most of them as I'll have information overload!
So obviously it's meant to be simple as the information comes to you but it is still time consuming going through it all.
Ok - back for the next post ....
well it is weeks later and i have to add to my post how much fun i get from reading the Unshelved comics. I keep showing other "library" staff the really funny ones and we get much more laughter out of them than from watching The Librarians on the ABC!