Well, I'm finding some of this a bit addictive. I've taken some fairly boring photos of the library to put on our Flickr account. Not very hard at all - that was a relief.
If you want to see how successful our Runescape night was @ Pakenham library you can have a browse. Better still i actually put the photos on flickr while the event was still on - talk about hot off the press! As i type i have 18 eager young kids playing runescape. Talk about loud in the library - they are having a blast which is nice to hear.
So i think i have successfully got the hang on Flickr - i'll know if people tell me they have seen the photos - sorry they aren't very fancy. Perhaps next week i might get more adventurous.
So far so good - i might even try to do next week tomorrow....
September 27, 2007
September 26, 2007
Week 3 Photos and images
Well, so far i've had a bit of a browse and i must say mentally i keep thinking to myself - "what can i do with what i'm learning and how can i use it in my life?"
I am familiar with uplaoding pictures etc as i have some on my work computer as well as my home computer. Who needs a photo frame with one photo in it when you can have a screen saver slideshow which shows off your family photos to anyone who walks by!
So - having relatives overseas and a large extended family i keep thinking about having a family blog or maybe having a flickr group which we can use for the whole family and mark it as private so that only the right sort of person can see!
I am a bit wary of having my family photos and life out on the web for all to see.
I think i'll keep reading and playing on flickr to see what or how i can use it!
More thoughts later
I am familiar with uplaoding pictures etc as i have some on my work computer as well as my home computer. Who needs a photo frame with one photo in it when you can have a screen saver slideshow which shows off your family photos to anyone who walks by!
So - having relatives overseas and a large extended family i keep thinking about having a family blog or maybe having a flickr group which we can use for the whole family and mark it as private so that only the right sort of person can see!
I am a bit wary of having my family photos and life out on the web for all to see.
I think i'll keep reading and playing on flickr to see what or how i can use it!
More thoughts later
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